Friday, February 6, 2015

DIY moving cat toy made on the scroll saw

First of all I drew a rough sketch of my cat on a piece of paper.

Then I scanned it and imported it in Adobe illustrator.  I converted it to a vector graphic.

I printed all the parts and glued them on a piece of plywood using spray glue.

I cut out the pieces on the scroll saw.

I sprayed the glued paper pieces with rust remover, let it soak for a few minutes and the easily pealed off the templates.

I drilled the holes I needed on the drill press. Because the plywood I had was really thin, I used a clamp to hold the pieces in 90 degrees for the vertical drillings.

I sanded all the pieces.

I Joined the arms and legs with screws. I trimmed the screws flush using my rotary tool.

I joined all the pieces with string. Because making knots with such a thin string is impossible, I used my glue gun to secure everything in place.

I also added a ring in the middle for the string to be guided through.

My cat is ready.

It would be easier if you used a thicker piece of plywood. The holes would be made easier and you could use a thicker string.

But that’s what I had laying around I hope you like it.

You can download a free PDF template here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ion! Would - never mind, I see you have the pdf available. My female ferret "Miss Peachy" was put to sleep yesterday and I want to make this for my vet. They are wonderful. Thanks for making it avaible.

