Thursday, February 26, 2015

Another DIY picture frame out of wood

First of all I mounted my router on my vise upside down. This way I can use the router as a router table. I clamped a scrap wood piece on it’s base to act as a fence. I pressed the starting buttons with clamps. This technique is not too safe, so do not try it unless you feel comfortable to do so.

Then I passed through the spruce piece of the frame and created a rabbet for the glass and the picture to sit on.

Then I cut the frame pieces to size in my miter box with my saw.

I glued the frame using a frame clamp. I also added weights to keep everything straight.

To add extra strength to the frame, I added dowels on the corners 45 degrees against the grain. I trimmed them flush with my flush trim saw.

I used my block plane to round over the edges of the frame.

I sanded the piece with 120 grit sandpaper.

I applied a coat of clear satin, water based varnish. After the first coat dried out. I sanded the piece lightly with 600 grit sand paper, and applied another coat of varnish.

I went to a glass store and bought  a piece of glass in the dimensions of my frame.

I used it as a guide to measure the back of my frame on a piece of plywood.

I cut the back on my scroll saw.

I straightened the back with my block plane.

I also cut the other piece of the back on my scroll saw.

I glued the back pieces together. To hold them in place during glue up, I stapled them and nailed them together.

I used my belt sander to shape the pieces that hold the frame and the back together.

I predrilled some pilot holes and assembled the pieces on the frame.

I assembled everything, and my frame is ready!


  1. What did you use as the hinges to keep the backing in place? Would also like to see your materials list as I am. A complete novice!

    1. I just cut out a few pieces of plywood and added screws to hold them in place!

  2. this..please what is the size of the wood bars???
