This is a pair of baby rattles made of 2 pieces of scrap spruce. It is made using the 3D scroll sawing technique. It is a technique thats involves cutting with a scroll saw in more than one dimensions.
First of all I make my pieces square by planing them with my block plane. I secure the piece on my bench using clamps and a wedge.
Then I draw the basic shape of my maraca on the two sides of the piece.
First I cut the piece in half. It is easier to do that now.
Then I cut the exterior pieces. I keep the cut outs and clamp all the pieces together with tape.
I make the cut on the other face of the piece.
I have my basic shape ready. I draw the inner line of the maraca before hollowing it.
I secure the pieces on the bench using the scraps of the cut and clamps. I hollow them out using my curved chisels.
I stop the carving when light can pass through the piece. This technique is also used in spoon carving.
I add some nails to create the rattle noise and glue and clamp the pieces together. I use the cut out scraps to clamp the pieces easier.
I add a decorative touch by wrapping the maracas with some twine.
My baby rattle is ready!